Secular Humanist Friendship
Group of Merrimack Valley
Home Page
P.O. Box 368
Londonderry, NH
A member of the Alliance of Secular Humanist Societies
Celebrating Reason and Humanity
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Secular Humanism affirms the inherent dignity and worth of every
human being, and asserts that persons are responsible for the realization
of their aspirations and that they have within themselves the power of
achieving them. Secular Humanism is free from any belief in the supernatural
and is dedicated to the search for meaning and values on this earth through
reliance on intelligence and the scientific method, democracy and social
sympathy. Secular Humanism contends that human beings are part of nature,
that they have emerged as a result of continuous evolutionary process and
that all their values - religious, ethical, political and social - have
their source in human experience and are the product of their culture.
The Secular Humanist Friendship Group of Merrimack Valley is an organization dedicated to building a socially nurturing and intellectually stimulating humanist community. This organization strives to achieve its goals through public advocacy projects, social concern programs, community outreach campaigns and watchdog activities.
The Secular Humanist Friendship Group of Merrimack Valley meets
the 4th Friday of every month at 7:30 pm for a speaker/discussion session.
See this month's Newsletter for details.
Know of anything interesting happening in the region? Please
contact the webmaster and let
us know about it!
If you would like more information, please contact the webmaster.
The SHFG also publishes a monthly newsletter, . You may contact the Editor, Margaret Bennetat e-mail:
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If you'd like to talk with
me, you can e-mail me, Les Clark